June 19, 2008

Simple Prayer

I am doing a few weeks of traveling around visiting friends and relatives. While at my grandparents, I was able to help with a bit of weeding and mowing the lawn. As I mowed the lawn in the solitary sound of the mower, I felt that it was almost like the silence of a peaceful monastery. It seems hard to explain, but I found myself happily praying as I was mowing the lawn reflecting on the beautiful method of prayer this outdoor work was becoming. I loved it! never have I enjoyed mowing a lawn so much!

I also had a chance to pressure wash a few outdoor areas and this provided me with a very similar experience. I enjoyed my chance to drown out all other noise and have a merely droning hum in my ears that allowed my concentration to once more be enlivened on Christ alone.

As I learn these simple pleasures and the beauty which God provides through work, I am even more anxious to find the monastery God is beckoning me to enter. I struggle to find the patience necessary and the trust in God's timing.

thank you for your prayers! May God bless you!

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