September 07, 2009

To Belong

What does it mean to belong and why does it seem we all strive to feel this way here on Earth. There is a very real sense in which we all do belong down here and that we each have a place that Our Father finds most suitable for us, and to which we belong. Yet, will we, as Christians, as Catholics, ever truly belong down here? Will we ever be fulfilled and retain a sense of right placement? I don't know

All I can tell you is that all my life I have striven to feel as if I belong.
In grade school it is the striving to be part of the big group. Part of the "cool" crowd. Someone other people want to invite to their house and have over after school.
High school becomes more of a niche atmosphere with each person trying to figure out who they are and why they want to be so as to pick the right college to get on the right track... and yet with all these personal things going on, there are still the various cliches... the jocks, the brainiacs, the cheerleaders, football players, swimmers, goths, punks, preps, geeks, dorks, nerds, crewies, artists, etc, etc.
Then you finally get to college. The big leagues, your catapult into the world. Yet even there as you prepare for a completely new world (or so you are told), you are still trying to find a group. Some mixture of people with whom you can say you are a part, you belong. It is different at each college and for each person, an internal struggle and yet just part of the human condition. You find people to study with, people to play with, and people to live with. but do you feel as though you belong?
Then into the world you go. Off as a lone ranger once more to figure out a place to belong. Perhaps this is the search for our entire worldly existence. Perhaps it is only a search for a few. But I believe that even for those who feel content and have their place pretty well figured out, there is still somewhere deep inside a sense that they do not belong. For we belong to God. We are here on Earth in order to prepare us for our Heavenly Home. We are on a journey, not yet at our final destination. The challenge is... Joy in the journey. SO, find joy and embrace it. Celebrate that you are on a spectacular journey to and even more spectacular place.

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