May 17, 2009

Visiting the Vistandians

I have long been familiar with St. Francis de Sales (or Frankie D as we referred to him in college) and his order of nuns, the Visitation Nuns of Holy Mary. Having spent time with them in Massachusetts and going to Mass weekly at their convent here in Philadelphia, I finally called to arrange to meet these dear sisters.

The main purpose was just to solidify this connection I felt with them, to know a few of their names as we peer through the sanctuary at each other on our respective sides. I spent almost two hours just simply talking with them and being alive! How glorious it is to be alive. They were eager to hear of my adventures as well as to hear my knowledge of the internet and its many uses. The ease with which the conversation tended from the history of the monastery to the sisters up in Tyringham, MA to eating insects and using technology left me feeling fulfilled and peaceful. They understood me and were like me, and I was like them! Praise God!

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