January 08, 2009

Step One: Find a Job

I have been in Philadelphia for 5 weeks now (well really just 4 since I was home for a week at Christmas). I am settled in and live with 4 other wonderful women. The community has been a blessing but my favorite part of my new home remains that there is Perpetual Adoration within walking distance!! YAY!

So, the first order of business for most people when moving to a new place is to find a job. Well, I guess for some that is actually an order of business even prior to moving! I searched in my field, having graduated with highest honors and two degrees (Environmental Science and Chemistry). It seemed that all the jobs I qualified for were connected to masters programs or in an area which did not interest me (since my real love is ecological research).

As I had mentioned previously I began volunteering for the Little Sisters of the Poor quite soon after I arrived and found peace in the ability to go there and be with the sisters and residents. I continued to search for a job and found a bagel shop which agreed to hire me. Seemed like a nice place and the Lord was quite gracious in allowing the owner to agree that I be able to go to Mass before coming to work thereby not scheduling me before 7:30am.

After calling a few times and not getting through, this bagel employment seemed to have been a figment of my imagination! As I have been "hired" now for about 3 weeks and have yet to work a single day! I continued to put out resumes and make contacts in hopes of finding a good job in my field.

Well, the Lord is good! Yes! Before Christmas, Mother Veronica asked me if I would like to work in the home! How amazing! So, I am now filling out the paperwork and going through the legal stuff to work for the Little Sisters! How amazing that a little under a year ago I was starting at the Little Sisters in Palatine! I left them assuming I would never see the LSPs again, and here I am working in another home. I guess that look Mother Maureen gave me when I left that seemed to say, "you'll be back" was right! :)

God be Praised!

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