January 11, 2009

The Body of Christ

My dear friends I must share with you a revelation which was made so very profoundly real to me recently...


The Body of Christ present in the people of the Church.

Yes, it sounds quite simple in our theology and one of the main pillars of being Catholic and yet the Lord has been so very good to open my eyes to His Body here recently as I went on a retreat with other young adults as well as at Catholic Underground.

How to explain.... well let us just say that the whole Body of the Church, when present, can make one feel so very welcomed. A part of the group! A member of the Body! Yes, The Lord is so profoundly present in His Holy Body the Eucharist and has been so good to me in making this truth a very real and profound part of my life. One I could not live without! And yet to feel that I belong amidst the people... well here I have struggled in the past and I am sure i will continue to struggle, but the Lord is taking the scales from my eyes and showing me Himself in other places! Isn't He great?!!! We are happy with one thing, but He wants us to see it all! Surrounding me with not only the physically present Body, but also the celestial Body which is also so profoundly present for every prayer, always there adoring Him! And so I share in words that may not make sense, in a story which seems to have no plot or point, but for those of you who need to hear this and see Him in the Body of the Church, just trust, turn to Him in the Eucharist, and beg Him to show Himself... and He will! OH HE WILL!!!


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