March 11, 2009

Simple Speech

I was struck today by the beauty of direct and simple speech. It came about as I was speaking with one of our dear residents as she whispered, "I have to go wee wee". I smiled and told her someone would help her soon as I knew her aide was already in the restroom with another resident. As we sat together waiting and I tried to take her mind off the matter at hand, she patiently explained how a child cannot hold it very long and that she was only a child!

My mind raced with thoughts of how complicated and coded our language becomes as we "mature". We use the "facilities" or the "ladies' room" or perhaps, we simply need to excuse ourself for personal reasons. Why is it culturally "wrong" for a well-formed adult to tell her friends while out, "Pardon me ladies, I have to go pee". Or and even more blunt, "Be right back, I am going to have a bow movement". These are natural parts of life and although simple, we guard them and hide them in most "civilized" situations.

There is a beauty in the direct speech and the simplicity of stating what needs to be done. Why must we hide it and cover it with code words?

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LoveServes Nunsong