March 28, 2009

Concrete Jungle

A common term for the city is the concrete jungle. I have never truly related to this term until today. last night and into the early morning, a gentle rain fell on the good city of Philadelphia, so when i walked off to Mass this morning, there were a few worms remaining on the sidewalks. I am accustomed to picking them up and placing them out of harm's way in the nearby gardens and grasses which surround the sidewalks and streets.

Being still new to the "big city" life, I found it quite strange that as I picked up a few little worm friends, there was nowhere close-by to place them! I was in a concrete jungle! No gardens... not even apiece of grass. Which also led me to commend my little friend for making it so far out! As I finished my walk to the train, my mind remained fixed upon the number of thin worms i saw in comparison to the thicker, larger worms i am used to saving. After a bit of contemplation I surmised that perhaps these poor little guys are the only ones that life because they can make it up through the dirt which intersects the concrete slabs and the cracks in the asphalt. Whereas our bigger buddies are stuck below as the water levels rise in their underground world.

Just a few thoughts... :)

God be Praised

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