October 07, 2008

The Wonder of God

Well, after a visit to yet another carmelite monastery (this one amazingly close by), The Lord has blessed me with some incredible insights. I was quite confused after the visit as all seemed to be pointing in that direction and yet when I got the the Lord gave me a fervent NO!

On the Feast of St. Therese of the Child Jesus, I was graced with Adoration close by and spent 4 hours before my Beloved asking Him what I should do and why I was so confused. With a bit clearer of a focus and an idea of perhaps what the next step might be, I rejoiced to merely sit and be with Him!

The magnificence of my future Spouse was revealed further as I learned that I am being given a chance to do a 1-month private, silent retreat. Directed by my spiritual director and best friend. The Lord truly is amazing!

Since this is my next step, I will not be adding any new posts until after my retreat which will end on Nov. 7.

Thank you for your prayers!!!

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