October 28, 2008

October 19, 2008

Time to start praying to St. jude!

Here is a great website to find one!

October 18, 2008

Happy Feast of St. Luke (Evangelist)

Prayer to St. Luke:

Most charming and saintly Physician, you were animated by the heavenly Spirit of love. In faithfully detailing the humanity of Jesus, you also showed his divinity and his genuine compassion for all human beings. Inspire our physicians with your professionalism and with the divine compassion for their patients. Enable them to cure the ills of both body and spirit that afflict so many in our day. Amen.

October 17, 2008

Happy Feast of St. Ignatius of Antioch

Prayer to St. Ignatius
Dear Holy Spirit, Saint Ignatius was taken to Rome under military guard after he was condemned to die in the Roman amphitheater. On the way, he wrote inspiring letters to Christian communities. Nothing would stop him from carrying out his ministry of preaching the Gospel. I ask him to pray for me to continually find opportunities to build up Your kingdom, even in the midst of problems. Keep me from being blinded by discouragement, so that I may see that there are always opportunities to share the Gospel with others. When there are roadblocks in my path, show me the way around them. Saint Ignatius, pray for me. Amen.

October 16, 2008

Happy Feast of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque

Here is a great prayer to St. Margaret Mary. I will be praying for you!

Prayer to Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque
Saint Margaret Mary, thou who wast made a partaker of the divine treasures of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, obtain for us, we beseech thee, from this adorable Heart, the graces we need so sorely. We ask these favors of thee with unbounded confidence. May the divine Heart of Jesus be pleased to bestow them upon us through thy intercession, so that once again He may be loved and glorified through thee. Amen.

V. Pray for us, O blessed Margaret;

R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray.
O Lord Jesus Christ, who didst wondrously open the unsearchable riches of Thy Heart to blessed Margaret Mary, the virgin: grant unto us, by her merits and our imitation of her, that we may love Thee in all things and above all things, and may be worthy to have our everlasting dwelling in the same Sacred Heart: who livest and reignest, world without end. Amen.

October 15, 2008

Novena to St. Teresa Day 9

Day 9
Lastly, O dearest Lord Jesus Christ! we thank Thee for the gift of the precious death which Thou didst grant to Thy beloved Teresa, making her sweetly to die of love; we pray Thee, by Thy merits, and by those of Thy most affectionate spouse, to grant us a good death; and if we do not die of love, yet, that we may at least die burning of love for Thee, that so dying, we may be able to go and love Thee for evermore with a more perfect love in heaven.

Say one Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be.

V. St. Teresa, pray for us:
R. That we may become worthy of the promises of Jesus Christ.

Let us pray: Graciously hear us, O God of our salvation! that as we rejoice in the commemoration of the blessed virgin Teresa, so we may be nourished by her heavenly doctrine, and draw from thence the fervour of a tender devotion; through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God for ever and ever. Amen.

Happy Feast Day St. Teresa!!!!

October 14, 2008

Novena to St. Teresa Day 8

Day 8
O most beloved Lord Jesus Christ! we thank Thee for the eminent gift of the desire for death which Thou didst grant to Thy beloved Teresa; we pray Thee, by Thy merits, and by those of Thy most constant spouse, to grant us the grace of desiring death, in order to go and possess Thee eternally in the country of the blessed.

Say one Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be
V. St. Teresa, pray for us:
R. That we may become worthy of the promises of Jesus Christ.

Let us pray: Graciously hear us, O God of our salvation! that as we rejoice in the commemoration of the blessed virgin Teresa, so we may be nourished by her heavenly doctrine, and draw from thence the fervour of a tender devotion; through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God for ever and ever. Amen.

October 13, 2008

Novena to St. Teresa Day 7

Day 7
O most loving Lord Jesus Christ! We thank Thee for the wonderful gift of the wound in the heart which Thou didst grant to Thy beloved Teresa; we pray Thee, by Thy merits, and by those of Thy seraphic spouse, to grant us also a like wound of love, that, henceforth, we may love Thee and give our mind to the love of nothing but Thee.

Say one Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be.

V. St. Teresa, pray for us:
R. That we may become worthy of the promises of Jesus Christ.

Let us pray: Graciously hear us, O God of our salvation! that as we rejoice in the commemoration of the blessed virgin Teresa, so we may be nourished by her heavenly doctrine, and draw from thence the fervour of a tender devotion; through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God for ever and ever. Amen.

October 12, 2008

Novena to St. Paul of the Cross

So I won't give you a day-by-day for this one... but it starts today if you are interested....

Nine days of prayer with Saint Paul of the Cross

St. Paul of the Cross, the founder of the Passionists, was born in Ovada, Italy, in 1694, the eldest of six children surviving from a family of fifteen. As a child he knew the hardship, uncertainty and fear brought by widespread poverty to families like his. Then, as a young man, Paul experienced a call from God. For the rest if his long life of 81 years he would remind the disheartened people of his time of the Passion of Jesus of God's wisdom and love.

Great numbers of men and women were led from fear to trust and faith in God through Paul's guidance and preaching. Sharing their hardships, he directed them to seek their support in the merciful love of Jesus Christ Crucified. He taught people to pray, and was an outstanding guide helping people to make good decisions.

We invite you to pray to St. Paul of the Cross for guidance and direction in God's ways. He helps those who are discouraged and uncertain. The novena that follows is a nine day prayer, modeled after the nine day period the apostles prayed before Pentecost. Recite the first two prayers for the nine days. Then offer the special prayer for each day.

As you pray this novena, remember these words of the saint:

Look on the face of the Crucified who invites you to follow him.
He will be father, mother -- everything to you.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Come to my aid, O God.
O Lord, make haste to help me.

Almighty God,
Father of mercies
and giver of all good gifts,
we come before you
to honor you in your saints
and to ask their help
in our many needs.
You promised those who ask,
would receive;
those who seek,
would find;
those who knock,
would have doors opened to them.
Hear the prayers of your church,
grant our requests,
and pardon our sins.

(Bring your requests to God)

O good Saint Paul of the Cross,
you proclaimed God's wonders
in the Passion of God's only Son.
By word and deed,
you became a spiritual guide
and preacher of the gospel
to a world grown cold
to the love of Jesus Christ.
Help me to see God's love
in the merciful cross of Jesus,
and teach me to trust
in the blessings God gives.
May the Passion of Jesus
be in my heart,
and bring life to all the world.

Day 1
O Jesus Christ,
I look to you as my companion and support,
be with me as I carry my cross;
be Father, mother -- everything to me.
Day 2
O Jesus Christ,
in all the choices I make in life,
help me to be wise and just,
loving and generous.

Day 3
O Jesus Christ,
in the dark garden you depended
on your Father above
to help you carry on.
Listen, as I pray in sorrow and cares.

Day 4
O Jesus Christ,
judged by Pilate unjustly,
scourged and spit upon,
make me strong
when I am wrongly judged and harshly treated.

Day 5
O Jesus Christ,
you bore your cross,
enduring insult and injuries;
yet you forgave your offenders.
Give me a forgiving heart.

Day 6
O Jesus Christ,
abandoned in sorrow,
be with the discouraged and lonely.
You know the power of comfort;
encourage those in need.

Day 7
O Jesus Christ,
nailed to the cross,
fixed and unable to move,
help all of us who get nowhere,
give us patience to try again.

Day 8
O Jesus,
dying on the cross,
in the darkness and alone,
be with us in our dying,
Stay with us in the darkness.

Day 9
O Jesus Christ,
risen from the dead,
in you we too arise.
Give us the joy of new life;
help us to rise again.

Novena to St. Teresa Day 6

Day 6
O most bountiful Lord Jesus Christ! We thank Thee for the gift of devotion towards Thy sweet mother, Mary and her holy spouse, Joseph, which Thou didst grant to Thy beloved Teresa; we pray Thee, by Thy merits, and by those of Thy most dear spouse, to give us the grace of a special and tender devotion towards Thy most holy mother, Mary, and towards Thy beloved foster-father, Joseph.

Say one Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be.

V. St. Teresa, pray for us:
R. That we may become worthy of the promises of Jesus Christ.

Let us pray: Graciously hear us, O God of our salvation! that as we rejoice in the commemoration of the blessed virgin Teresa, so we may be nourished by her heavenly doctrine, and draw from thence the fervour of a tender devotion; through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God for ever and ever. Amen.

October 11, 2008

Novena to St. Teresa Day 5

Day 5
O most kind Lord Jesus Christ! we thank Thee for the great gift of humility which Thou didst grant to Thy beloved Teresa; we pray Thee, by Thy merits, and by those of Thy most humble spouse, to grant us the grace of a true humility, which may make us ever find our joy in humiliation, and prefer contempt before every honour.

Say one Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be.

V. St. Teresa, pray for us:
R. That we may become worthy of the promises of Jesus Christ.

Let us pray: Graciously hear us, O God of our salvation! that as we rejoice in the commemoration of the blessed virgin Teresa, so we may be nourished by her heavenly doctrine, and draw from thence the fervour of a tender devotion; through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God for ever and ever. Amen.

October 10, 2008

Novena to St. Teresa Day 4

Day 4
O most sweet Lord Jesus Christ! we thank Thee for the gift of great desire and resolution which Thou didst grant to Thy beloved Teresa, that she might love Thee perfectly; we pray Thee, by Thy merits, and by those of Thy most generous spouse, to give us a true desire, and a true resolution of pleasing Thee the utmost of our power.

Say one Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be.

V. St. Teresa, pray for us:
R. That we may become worthy of the promises of Jesus Christ.

Let us pray: Graciously hear us, O God of our salvation! that as we rejoice in the commemoration of the blessed virgin Teresa, so we may be nourished by her heavenly doctrine, and draw from thence the fervour of a tender devotion; through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God for ever and ever. Amen.

October 09, 2008

Novena to St. Teresa Day 3

Day 3
O most loving Lord Jesus Christ! We thank Thee for the great gift of love which Thou didst grant to Thy beloved Teresa; we pray Thee, by Thy merits, and by those of Thy most loving spouse, to give us the great, the crowning gift of Thy perfect love.

Say one Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be.

V. St. Teresa, pray for us:
R. That we may become worthy of the promises of Jesus Christ.

Let us pray: Graciously hear us, O God of our salvation! that as we rejoice in the commemoration of the blessed virgin Teresa, so we may be nourished by her heavenly doctrine, and draw from thence the fervour of a tender devotion; through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God for ever and ever. Amen.

October 08, 2008

Novena to St. Teresa Day 2

Day 2
O most merciful Lord Jesus Christ! we thank Thee for the great gift of hope which Thou didst grant to Thy beloved Teresa; we pray Thee, by Thy merits, and by those of Thy holy spouse, to give us a great confidence in Thy goodness, by reason of Thy Precious Blood, which Thou hast shed to its last drop for our salvation.

Say one Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be.

V. St. Teresa, pray for us:
R. That we may become worthy of the promises of Jesus Christ.

Let us pray: Graciously hear us, O God of our salvation! that as we rejoice in the commemoration of the blessed virgin Teresa, so we may be nourished by her heavenly doctrine, and draw from thence the fervour of a tender devotion; through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God for ever and ever. Amen.

October 07, 2008

I have scheduled a few prayers to keep you busy while I am in prayer. I hope you will pray for me as I pray for you! God be with you!

A Novena to keep you busy...

Here is a Novena to St. Teresa of Avila (my favorite).

I will set it up to post each day's prayers on the proper day! This Novena was made by St. Alphonsus Liguori. Please pray for me!

Day 1
O most amiable Lord Jesus Christ! We thank Thee for the great gift of faith and of devotion to the Holy Sacrament, which Thou didst grant to Thy beloved Teresa; we pray Thee, by Thy merits and by those of Thy faithful spouse, to grant us the gift of a lively faith, and of a fervent devotion toward the most Holy Sacrament of the altar; where Thou, O infinite Majesty! hast obliged Thyself to abide with us even to the end of the world, and wherein Thou didst so lovingly give Thy whole Self to us.

Say one Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be.

V. St. Teresa, pray for us:
R. That we may become worthy of the promises of Jesus Christ.

Let us pray: Graciously hear us, O God of our salvation! that as we rejoice in the commemoration of the blessed virgin Teresa, so we may be nourished by her heavenly doctrine, and draw from thence the fervour of a tender devotion; through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God for ever and ever. Amen.

The Wonder of God

Well, after a visit to yet another carmelite monastery (this one amazingly close by), The Lord has blessed me with some incredible insights. I was quite confused after the visit as all seemed to be pointing in that direction and yet when I got the the Lord gave me a fervent NO!

On the Feast of St. Therese of the Child Jesus, I was graced with Adoration close by and spent 4 hours before my Beloved asking Him what I should do and why I was so confused. With a bit clearer of a focus and an idea of perhaps what the next step might be, I rejoiced to merely sit and be with Him!

The magnificence of my future Spouse was revealed further as I learned that I am being given a chance to do a 1-month private, silent retreat. Directed by my spiritual director and best friend. The Lord truly is amazing!

Since this is my next step, I will not be adding any new posts until after my retreat which will end on Nov. 7.

Thank you for your prayers!!!

October 01, 2008

Prayer of Abandonment -Br. Charles of Jesus

Father, I abandon myself into your hands.

Do with me what you will.

Whatever you may do, I thank you.

I am ready for all.

I accept all.

Let only your will be done in me, and in all your creatures.

I ask no more than this, O Lord.

Into your hands I commend my soul.

I offer it to you with all the love of my heart,

for I love you, Lord, and so need to give myself,

to surrender myself into your hands

without reserve and with boundless confidence,

for you are my Father.

LoveServes Nunsong