September 27, 2008

A hug from God

This morning I awoke thinking I would go to a special Mass being held in my parish, a Mass for the sick. I am was excited to go but had this feeling I should go to the 9 am Mass anyways. Why? What is the purpose of going to the same Mass I always go to? Well I wasn't able to shake the feeling and so off I went. I thought perhaps the homily had something for me the Lord wanted to say... or ... I dunno. so there was a visiting priest, Fr. Joe and I was listening to every word as if my life depended on it. As a result I really was very present for Mass which was awesome, but I didn't feel like I had any insights that would change my heart or something.

So I went to the little side chapel to pray and do my office after Mass. there was a man there I had never seen before and I was glad to have someone to pray with, even if we were both silently placing ourselves into the Lord's hands and praying together in the sense of being both united in His most Sacred Heart. He was radiating with the joy of the Lord and as he knelt, I felt that I could see his love for Him! I thought, perhaps this is why I came here to this Mass this morning.

After a few hours of praying together in that little chapel, he was on his way, I thanked him for loving God and begged his prayers for me! Oh Praise God for the strength he sent me through this servant of His, Timothy. He encouraged me in my search for an order and was actually returning from time in the wilderness. he wants to pursue the eremetical life! How amazing that he was just passing through town and the Lord sent him to me to be my companion in prayer and encourage me as I go to visit another Carmelite Monastery on Monday!

God is Good!!! He sent this angel to me to show me His love and embrace me!! Thank you!

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